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What a year! Looking back, God has been so good to carry us through another 12 months.

We have been on an adventure of faith, stepping out in obedience to God the Father. We started out looking at the life and example of Abraham, the founder of our faith. We studied through the book of Romans, which is the book of faith. We spent four weeks looking at different faiths and understanding why Christianity is the one true faith. Then we looked at the five greatest stories of faith in the Bible. Peter: Rahab, Job, Noah, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Then this past fall, we as a church stepped OUT in faith in our own Miracle in the Making campaign, where we are attempting to build a new worship facility.

Having looked back at our Passion Play and Easter service, our 4th of July celebration and our Beach Baptism day, our life groups and youth ministries, our monies and missionaries that went around the globe, we truly have so much to be thankful for.

For those of you that were with us for the entire year, you know that it was a year where God stretched us. He stretched us spiritually, emotionally and financially.

Whenever you walk in faith, it’s always a journey, it’s a life long commitment that requires diligence and perseverance, but for the person who walks down that road, God has His hand of blessing upon that individual that is beyond explanation. God truly blesses and honors those who honor him.

As I write this post, I am so ANXIOUS to share with you the theme and plans for 2011. I promise that it is the NEXT step. After one walks in faith, where you live and act in obedience not knowing what is around the corner, but if truly walking in faith, there is something that ALWAYS happens… something that God has in store for you.

I pray that you will join us the weekend of January 8th and 9th, as I will be laying out these plans.

I am looking forward to sharing with you the theme and direction for the next year that weekend. May God bless each and every one of you, and I wish each of you a MERRY and SACRED CHRISTMAS and a BLESSED NEW YEAR.



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