Compelled to Save

“As We Practice Sharing Our Testimony And The Gospel Message, We Will Learn To Get Down To What’s Most Important: The Simple Story Of God’s Transforming Love.”

— Dudley Rutherford, author of Compelled

Sharing the Good News 0f Jesus doesn’t have to be complicated. Shepherd Church’s logo is a great way to visually share four important life changing stages that define our faith. The below is a step-by-step story guiding you to share Christ with anyone. These four steps explain who Jesus is, what Jesus did, what we do in response, What it means to be a Christian and when we will be reunited with Jesus. These simple graphics can be saved to your computer or your cell phone. Easy to pull up whenever you need –  use this as a tool when sharing the story of Jesus. But most importantly share the story of Jesus’ love with those who do not know Him as we are compelled to…

Lift Up Jesus That The World Might Believe!
