Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!! I know that God has blessed so many of us, and as the Bible tells us, EVERY GOOD and PERFECT gift comes from above. God has been so good to us with our families, our country, our health and our salvation. Please take a moment and thank the LORD for his bountiful blessing. The LIST of what God had provided for us is UNENDING.

One thing I want to mention are all the BAPTISMS we had this past weekend. We have been preaching on prophecy as it relates to Jesus, specifically Matthew 24 and 25, which speak of the reality of Jesus returning soon. We are living in the “last” of the “last days,” and the sermons that we have recently preached have pointed us in the direction of being PREPARED for the imminent return of Christ.

My heart is encouraged that close to 50 people stepped forward last weekend. To me, that announces that people are heeding the sermons and are honestly preparing their hearts for the second coming.

As the Bible reminds us, the Lord is going to return like a “thief in the night,” at a time when no one expects. So let’s continue to work, serve, and live as though THIS COULD BE THE DAY.

And all God’s people said????? AMEN!!!



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