A Call from the Mayor’s Office
July 18, 2009
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Maxi Anderson our wonderful leader

This is yearly event that celebrates the history of Los Angeles with Native Americans, Asians, Latinos, and African Americans.
Obviously I was thrilled that we were asked to participate and our choir “Risen” under the direction of Maxi Anderson made their way to 350 S. Spring St. in downtown Los Angeles this past Thursday evening. It was a fun evening where people came from all walks of life to celebrate the unique contributions of the different people groups that form the core of our city.
I have to tell you their were two highlights for me personally as I was there to witness first hand the events of the evening.
First, the Mayor, when he introduced our choir, he announced that “this choir was from Shepherd of the Hills Church which is the most racially diverse church in all of Los Angeles”. I was so thankful that the reputation of church has even reached the attention of our city officials.
The Second thing that made me smile was the fact that our choir sang about JESUS CHRIST and presented the Gospel through song. I was jumping of joy and proud as could be by the witness and example of our church and choir.
Please know that most churches are not diverse but it is OUR prayer to help lead the way to this change happening across America. Why not visit www.dreamofdestiny.com and see where and how YOU can get involved.