Christian Parent Pledge
April 17, 2010
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with my child as I do with my TV.
2. Each day I will share at least one fun-filled
learning experience with my child.
3. Each day I will affirm my child as a person.
4. Each day I will affirm my Lord (praise Him,
thank Him, honor Him) in the presence of my child.
5. Each day I will affirm my mate in the presence of my child.
6. Each day I will say, “I love you” to my child.
7. Each day I will make one truth from God’s Word the delight of my child’s life.
8. Each day I will pray for my child, by name.
9. Each day I will read something to my child that will build his/her love for the Lord and the joy of reading.
10.Each day I will help my child feel the warmth of my personal presence by an embrace, a hug or a kiss.