We just returned from Israel and one of the highlights was having Nikko Lowe and Larry Kern on the trip and having them sing from time to time. Here is a video of Larry singing on a boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee. He sang this after I retold the story of Jesus telling Peter to follow him and he would turn Peter into a fisher…
In our series at church called “God Has An App For That” we just finished week number three, talking about “overcoming temptation”. In this blog I will post a five minute video clip from that message. This video discusses NOT blaming God for our temptations. And of course if you want to know the number one tool, to help overcome temptation, it’s simply reading and studying the word of God.
Week after week, at Shepherd of the Hills Church, we hand out over 5 to 6000 bulletins. Someone has to stuff them with the inserts and sermon outlines every week. Most people come to church and grab a bulletin not knowing of the tremendous amount of work needed to provide such bulletins. Today I was upstairs studying for the sermon…