January 27, 2012
Jesus told Nicodemus in the gospel of John (the 3rd chapter) that he “must be born again”. Nothing so depicts that new birth than when someone is baptized into the name of Jesus Christ. I hear so many people today explaining away the importance or necessity of being baptized, while you see just the opposite in scripture. Scriptures are full…
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January 14, 2012
So I am in a spinning class at the LA Fitness in Universal City when I get called out of class by a lady who says there is a phone call for me. She said that it wasn’t an emergency, but it was important. Whew, well at least I knew no one died and ran downstairs to take the call. It was one of my assistants, Shalena, who says, “Fred Roggin of NBC Sports wants…
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January 13, 2012

I had two people send in these photos via Facebook. The first picture was someone named Valerie who said this was her husband’s idea of Facebook, and the second photo was of a cat who…
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January 10, 2012
For those who are wondering what they would glean from reading the book, God Has An App For That!, which was released this month, I wanted to explain WHY this book was written. There are millions of people living in America with no moral absolute. We have bought in completely to the idea that we…
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