May 17, 2009
This is Mike Ackerman who spent several months working at our church and is currently working and serving in Japan. Japan is less than 1% Christian and he has already learned the language and is back trying to raise some support. I want you to know, that if you are looking for a way to help make a difference in the…
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May 12, 2009
I’ve loved how our “7” sermon series is going so far. This Sunday is going to be a powerful Sunday as you all pray about who you will bring to church for our “Whobody Day.” This Sunday, the Woodland Hills campus is doing something special as well. They are having an 8 week Theology series every Sunday night from 6-7:30pm. Each night will feature a different Bible college or seminary professor, some teaching, and Q…
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May 7, 2009
Salvador Fuentes our Spanish Pastor and Jim Tolle from Church on the Way
This morning Shepherd hosted a National Day of Prayer from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM. We prayed for our country, our President, our church and for our government officials.We spent time praying for our firefighters and police officers. We prayed for our young…
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May 7, 2009

On a recent weekend I took my little motorcycle group called the Pastors Posse down to Hemet, California. My brother Deano is the minister of a church called Hemet Christian Church. You can google him to find him. Deano LOVES to preach and does a great job…
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