Spanish Revival 08
July 30, 2008
Tonight I had the privilege of preaching at the 2008 Spanish Revival. It was such a thrilling moment to preach to our Spanish congregation. Salvador Fuentes does…
July 30, 2008
Tonight I had the privilege of preaching at the 2008 Spanish Revival. It was such a thrilling moment to preach to our Spanish congregation. Salvador Fuentes does…
July 24, 2008
We were recently blessed to have Philip Webb come sing at our church. He’s a gifted man of God, and I wanted to give you the opportunity to hear him sing if you missed him! To learn more about Phil, you can check out his website at Phil Webb at Shepherd of the Hills from Call On Jesus on Vimeo.
Read MoreJuly 22, 2008
I wanted to share this awesome video with you–a recap of our Beach Baptisms a couple of Sundays ago in which we baptized nearly 300 people! Check it out: Beach Baptism 2008 from Call On Jesus on Vimeo.
Read MoreJuly 19, 2008
It is one of the great joys of my life to have coached my two older children and now I am coaching my youngest… Kerri Brett Rutherford. She is number…. ahhhhhhh I will let you guess….. lol The name of our team is the BRUINS!!!! God worked that one out… and to my…