September 7, 2007

Wow… I am getting old… I remember baptizing David down at Hillcrest Christian Church when he was knee high to a grasshopper, and then last week, I was able to officiate his wedding at the Monarch Beach St. Regis Resort in Dana Point….
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September 5, 2007
Cindy Cushing and Julie Ladd dressed up on “Grandparents Day”
This will be quite the story for those of you patient enough to read it. I grew up in Wichita, Kansas and as usual, a group of us all went to the same elementary school, junior high school and then on to the same high school (Wichita Southeast High School)….
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August 26, 2007
Can you guess WHO is WHO???
Thee Original Michael North. Dudley South. Casey May, Pee Wee, Steve Syatt, Danny Furukawa and Marty Collins…
Our worship Pastor, Michael North, is getting married in just a few days… 🙂 Recently, a few of his friends surprised him…
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August 21, 2007
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted… perhaps the longest time I’ve ever gone without posting…But a lot has been happening… I have been working on the ’08 theme and schedule, and yesterday was a big day… The Lord usually fills my heart with a direction and a theme. Then ideas and thoughts come flooding into my mind,…
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