Let’s ride
January 3, 2009
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I was scheduled to be gone this weekend… Phil Allen will be preaching at all the services THIS weekend at the Porter Ranch Campus. But I decided to do something to help our Westside Campus in Brentwood. I am going to preach just ONCE this weekend at 11:00 AM at the Wadsworth Theatre. I decided to invite all of my Harley Davidson friends. I started a group called “Pastor’s Posse,” and we get together and go riding from time to time, and this Sunday, I have invited all of them to go on a ride with me to church on the Westside.
Thinking about making this a YEARLY event…. smile….
We are going to meet at the Park and Ride at 9:45 AM on Porter Ranch Drive and the 118 freeway and then leave at 10:00 AM sharp to ride over the hill and arrive at the Wadsworth Theatre by 10:30 AM… Church starts at 11:00 AM. I will preach, then we are going to have lunch, and then ride PCH north…..
Please feel free to join us if you like.
Pray for our safety and pray that we are able to reach people for JESUS.
And then NEXT weekend, on the 10th and 11th, I will be introducing the 2009 theme to the entire church body. You won’t want to miss it!