Michael North is Getting Married

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Can you guess WHO is WHO???
Thee Original Michael North. Dudley South. Casey May, Pee Wee, Steve Syatt, Danny Furukawa and Marty Collins…
Our worship Pastor, Michael North, is getting married in just a few days… 🙂 Recently, a few of his friends surprised him with a night out for dinner. We had all arrived early, and Michael’s fiance brought him to Black Angus for some alone time, yet Michael didn’t know what awaited him. Marty Collins had made some Michael North masks, and when he came around the corner, he saw a group of people in the corner booth all singing, “Set the Stage for a Miracle.”

I was laughing so hard that it was hard to sing….. ahahahahahahahaahah

But then we all lowered our masks and had a wonderful evening sharing stories and advice with Michael on marriage and life.

I want to thank Michael for his gift of leading our church in corporate worship. My prayer for him and his future bride is that God would bless him beyond his wildest imaginations. Michael, YOU are a dear friend, and I consider it an honor to work with you side by side in ministry here at Shepherd of the Hills Church.



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