Prayer, White House, Daryl Reed and a Muslim.
June 21, 2011
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Daryl also wrote the second chapter in the book called “UNLEASHED: The church turning the world upside down”. We walked to the White House and after taking a picture with the book we walked up to the fence and began to pray. We prayed for our President, his wife and children. We prayed for congress and members of the Supreme Court. We prayed for our Country and we prayed for the North American Christian Convention and asked that God would UNLEASH his Spirit upon this nation and that we would experience that next GREAT AWAKENING/REVIVAL.
It struck me how THANKFUL we should be for the fact that we live in a country where we have FREEDOM. FREEDOM to stand on the front lawns of the White House and pray for the President and this country. WOW! May we NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOMS FOR GRANTED.
When we were finished I turned around and there was a MUSLIM man praying. At first he was down on his knees and then he started to do a cleansing. I was shocked to see him at first and then reminded myself that this is what separates our nation from other nations. That he, as a Muslim man, can pray in front of the White House too. I wish ALL MUSLIM countries would see that FREEDOM is why this man is able to pray to Allah in front of the White House. If a Christian tried to do that in some Muslim countries we would be beheaded.
Even though I do NOT believe in Allah or the Koran, I respect the Freedoms we share in America to worship as we please. If you look at the 3rd or 4th line of his placard you will see that whoever takes a picture will suffer eternal judgement. Even though I took a picture, thus stating for the record that I disagree with his theology, I came away today with an even GREATER BURDEN that we MUST use our FREEDOMS to LIFT UP THE NAME OF JESUS. The ONE TRUE SAVIOR and the SON OF THE ONE TRUE GOD!