Revival 17 ~ Dr. Jerry Taylor
October 14, 2017
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$3.00 – $8.00
People in America spend a lot of time obsessing over their physical bodies. But when we become addicted to looking at ourselves, we lose the ability to look within ourselves. In other words, if you are only acquainted with your body, you will become a stranger to your soul. In this life-changing and powerful message, Dr. Jerry Taylor, teaches from 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 and challenges believers not to place their identity in their outward appearance. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! Because of this truth, we must answer four basic, yet critically important, questions: 1.) What is your body? 2.) Who resides in your body? 3.) Who owns your body? 4.) What is the purpose of your body?
Sermon by Dr. Jerry Taylor
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