In the second message of Revival 17, Dr. Sam Kojoglanian retells the dramatic story of when a blind man named Bartimaeus...
In the second message of Revival 17, Dr. Sam Kojoglanian retells the dramatic story of when a blind man named Bartimaeus called out to Jesus for healing. The Bible says that when the Lord responded to Bartimaeus' calls, the blind man threw "his cloak aside, jumped to his feet and came to Jesus." Dr. Sam asks the question, "What cloak do you need to cast aside today?" Is it the cloak of fear, or sin, or hatred, or pornography, or bitterness, or unforgiveness? After experiencing this compelling message, may you—whether or not you are a believer in Christ—throw your cloak aside and come to Jesus who saves and heals all who call upon His mighty name.
Speaker: Dr. Sam Kojoglanian